Scratch Competition Winners !

20171009 204746 smallAfter much deliberation we finally have the top three games from our scratch competition:
"Dots Attack 2" by 'kingrex1' - A wonderfully simple but addictive (and rather difficult game) demonstrating that games don't have to be complicated or have fancy graphics to be fun.
"SpeedBall" by 'LDC27' - Nice Mechanics give a polished feel to this game. It's short on levels (which left us wanting more and we look forward to seeing this game develop further).
"Asteroids Classic!" by 'KelianNZ' - Good clean graphics and game-play including thrust and hyperspace and simple sound effects make this a nice tribute to the classic game.
The programmers above will all receive a 'Retro Arcade' pong kit.
We'd also like to thank all the programmers from the Nelson Coder Dojo who contributed a game this year:
"Air Attack" by HarryPotterMouse100 - Reminiscent of vertical scroller games like '1942' - The game plays well with a soundtrack that matches the game nicely - it was very much a contender for our top three. Great work.
"Escape the Room" by 'kingrex1' - A difficult but addictive game with good mechanics and again, nice clean simple graphics. This would have likely made it into our top three had kingrex1's other game not already been selected. We look forward to seeing other works by kindrex1 in the future.
"Survivor 2" by 'loui4' - This game shows potential - There has clearly been a lot of work gone into creating it and with a bit more polishing (and perhaps reducing the maximum number of sprites on the screen) it will be great to play.
"Luffy" by '123qwe123qwe' - It's not a game, instead something that could be built on by other people. We like that - it's what we're about; sharing skills, knowledge and ideas.
"dead man zapdos" by 'zapdos111222333' - A good attempt at Asteroids with nice movement and cool stars.
"doom on the broom" by 'OBi0330' - A fun, colourful game with a great title and nice sound.
"Cheese Chase ghost mode" by 'OBi0330' - A second entry by OBi0330 showing great potential with a bit more work (and perhaps slow the bugs down a bit.... it's really hard!)
"Space" by 'Minecraftfourme' - Another good attempt at the classic Asteroids game, and with a touch of humor.

Floor Talks and Event Close

Saturday is the final day of the Arcade 2.0 (Awe...) but before we go we'd like to offer one last chance to play on the games and to also take you behind the scenes and show how some of the projects came about, how they work and the problems we faced.

During the event we will be connecting with Edwin McRae by video link. Edwin is co-creator of Falconers: Moonlight, A Visual Novel with a pick-a-path story set in the 'Wierd West' of NZ and the first visual novel to be published in NZ.

This is a free event but numbers are strictly limited. Please only request a ticket if you intend to come along otherwise you may be depriving others from attending.

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The Arcade Version 2.0 - It's on!

A busy but fun first day at The Arcade and great to have people coming down to visit. We'll be continuing to develop the projects this week so feel free to pop in and see what we're up to.firstday crop

Scratch Game Competition

Thanks to the children at the Nelson CoderDojo group that have submitted games for The Arcade Project - you can play them at the Arcade or on-line by clicking here. Feel free to leave constructive comments and let us know which are your favorites (we have some prizes for the best ones).

2017 10 02

Sunday Workshops

CAW Arcade WorkshopStarting this Sunday and continuing every Sunday until the event, Community Art Works has kindly provided space where we can work on projects.

If you'd like to get involved, if perhaps you'd just want to see what we're up to, if you want to learn a bit of electronics/programming or you'd like to learn more about Community Art Works, pop in from 1pm and say hello (everybody welcome!).

Community Art Works is in the old Hunting and Fishing building (81 Achilles Ave.). The building is on the right when entering Wakatu Car park from Rutherford St.

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